Freelancer: noropujadi21
Report Entry

Urban Organicx

Urban Organicx. As you can see its a keep growing logo. The leaves are shaping the letter U, so it can stands as its own as an urban company with its business deals in organic materials. I put a small leaf as the dot of the letter ‘i’ to capture the image of new seeds keep on growing. The letter ‘x’ is tweaked so it creates a feeling of going to right movement. The shape of the letter U has this pocket shape, means that the business is collecting profits, both to the produsen and consumers. With this logo am sure you can get higher achievment, while the combinations of it represent all of what you’ve already and will achieve. The logo is design so it can be easily recognised and remembered. It also can be easily applied to any promotional material, such as banner, websites, stationary and looks perfect embroidered in official uniform or to be paint on the side of vehicles.

Contest Entry #2020 for                                                 logo design
Entry #2020

Public Clarification Board

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