Freelancer: Neverseendesign
Report Entry


Here you go! I've added some facial hair and changed the hair style. I hope you like it and see the potential in it! ( If you got a specific Hairdo, etc in mind, let me know!) cheers

Contest Entry #51 for                                                 Design album artwork for a dubstep song

Public Clarification Board

  • nateingalls
    Contest Holder
    • 5 years ago

    Niiiice! I'm loving the new beard! Sorry to be a pain but I have a few last requests. Can you apply the texture of "Again" and apply it to the word "That"? Also, could you keep SAY THAT AGAIN as all one font. Lastly, could you make the edges of the beard a little softer, it appears a little jagged. Unless I'm wrong and it just looks that way in the preview, which could be possible. Once that's all done, you'll be in the number 1 position!

    • 5 years ago
    1. Neverseendesign
      • 5 years ago

      It def looks a lot more smoother in it's actual size! But nevertheless, I'll make it softer. Glad you like it!

      • 5 years ago