Online Marketing 101: The Power of a Focused Microsite

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                            Image by: Nic Hughes on Flickr

The Internet has taken over traditional marketing media. With most consumers turning to the Internet for everything that they need, business owners have taken to online platforms to market their products or services. Nowadays, a website is an important component of sales and marketing campaigns. However, no matter how well-designed or user-friendly a website is, its effectiveness is not as promising as expected. While navigation could be a breeze, it could also be time-consuming. And for online users with hectic schedules, staying on a website to read the complete details about certain products or services takes up too much time.

Browsing through several pages to receive full information about your company and what you offer may be seen as too much of a hassle. In general, online users have a "get in, get what you need, and get out" attitude. If they don't find what they need on the first pages of your website, chances are, they will look somewhere else. This is where a microsite comes into play.

First, what is a microsite?

In a nutshell, a microsite is totally separate from your company website. Its main purpose is to provide a site dedicated specifically to a certain product or service. It is a powerful online marketing tool, as it does away with blatant marketing and advertising banners that turn off site visitors. Instead, a microsite provides site guests with concise and precise information about one of your products or services. With the need to navigate through several pages of information, online users can stay long enough to receive the information that they need. And with all the necessary details on hand, they are more likely to contact you to purchase your product or hire your services.

What are the elements of an effective microsite?

1. Content. As previously mentioned, the content of your microsite focuses on a single product or service. The information provided is concise and straightforward. You may also highlight a cluster of products and services. The key factor is focusing on products or services of a singular value.

2. Call to action. This is one of the most important components of an effective and successful microsite. While the content raises awareness on the topic, product, or service that you want to highlight, a call to action encourages the site guest to purchase the product or hire your services. Your goal should be clear when developing the microsite. In other words, what would you wish your site visitors to do after they've read the information that you provided?

3. User interaction. This part of your microsite development process takes two things into consideration: the design of the site and the tools for engaging user interaction. Graphic design is a critical factor to consider in this stage of the site development. The thing to remember here is that you want the users to stay long enough to appreciate the site and its contents. How will you engage your users to keep them on your site? You could include infographics, illustrations or short informative and entertaining clips.

With all things considered, a microsite has the power to boost your online presence and increase business. Start that microsite today.

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