Where am from you take up challenges and turn them into an opportunity. That is why we are love for our dedication and zealous nature.
I worked as a security head guard for a food factory where I take record of every operation happening and receive reports from my subordinates to ensure the company's property is safely guarded. Taking pictures, voice recordings and video recordings are necessary for a job well done.
I also worked in a recording studio as a manager who oversees the runs and operation for quality job delivery. Scouting for a good beat producer and Sound Engineer to achieve the aim of the label. Running advertisements and promotions to target potential customers. Working in conjunction with the producer and artist for a satisfied job delivery to the audience.
I also create contents which is very crucial if you must expand your reach in business or entertainment industry. In the modern world, visibility is a powerful tool because it creates awareness, gives knowledge and bring opportunity to viewers. That is why content creation is very important especially in the entertainment industry as it helps to bring in more royalties, incomes and endorsement deals.
I also supervised a cleaning job where I also delegate roles to my subordinates, seeing to it that the premises is properly cleaned before the arrival of customers. My role here is just as similar to the the head guard role.
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