FIFA 11 - Football Players Info

by Batbuncho
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Complete database of all FIFA 11 football players. Total football players - 10,039 Total cells - 19,006,895 Columns - Player name, Age, Form, Position 1, Position 2, Position 3, Position 4, Position 5, Position 6, Level position 1, Level position 2, Level position 3, Level position 4, Level position 5, Level position 6, Foot L/R, Shotpower, Longshots, Dribbling, Technique Crossing, Creativity, Finnishing, Passing, Longpassing, Flair, Tackling, Mainmarking, Headers, Touch, Forward runs, Free Kicks, Corner kicks, Penalties, Anticipation, Aggression, Composure, Concentration, Decission/Judgement, Determenation, Teamwork, Consistency, Intimidation, Leadership, Acceleration, Speed, Work rate, Strenght, Agility, Jumping, Stamina, GK Crosses, GK Handling, GK Goalkicks, GK One on Ones, GK Positioning, GH Punching, GK Shot Stopping, GK Throwouts IF YOU NEED THE WHOLE DATABASE ==> Contact me !!!

image of username Batbuncho Flag of Bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria

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I am eager to be hired by you today to work on your Adobe Flash jobs. I have a strong experience in Adobe Flash, AJAX and Apache as I have been working in these areas for the past few years. Throughout my career I have also worked as a Article Submission Expert and as a ASP Programmer. I have the ability to work as a cross team or as a team. Kindly consider my portfolio for your project.

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